Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time flies.

I am notorious for babbling about how fast time goes. I know I can't be the only one who is this passionate about something they can't control. If I am, then I need to seek counseling. Immediately.

Honestly, though, where does the time go? If someone could answer this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. One day, it's May, and then you take a nap and wake up in late June. It's so strange. It borderlines bizarre, actually. Time is quite bizarre.

Yes, I created this blog to post about Prague and whatnot, but I'm entitled to a little rambling now and then. Besides, it will come full circle, I guarantee you. It'll all make sense in the end. Somehow.

In nine days, I will be sitting on a plane. A plane that is flying out of the country. I am so stinking nervous, it isn't even funny. This is no joke. I am nervous, but excited nonetheless! I've been on the Prague Summer Seminar's website reading stories and sifting through old pictures from previous summer trips. Cobblestone streets, hills full of bright, green grass, CASTLES. This place is going to blow my mind, I can guarantee you that. It's just surreal that it's almost here. I didn't think July 8th would ever get here, and now it's only nine days away.


I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to see fresh faces. It's one of the things that I'm looking forward to the most. Sure, there will be people there that I know, but there will also be a large amount that I won't know. Who won't know me. They don't know me! It's kind of exciting. I like getting to know people anyway, so I'm also really looking forward to that. I also can't wait for our field trips that we have lined up, especially the four-day trip to Vienna. Ah, it's going to be so beautiful! I read that we break into different groups according to our classes and go explore certain parts of Vienna. Because I'm in an English class (Travel Writing), we get to go to a cafe (in Vienna) to read and write (in Vienna). Did I mention this will be in Vienna?

Gosh. Just thinking about walking around with a messenger bag full of tourist crap, my camera, and foreign currency excites me to no end. I haven't even arrived in Prague yet, but I already know that this trip will change my life. It's going to be so eye-opening, new, and completely and utterly different. It'll be a different world, and I can't wait to explore it.

Čas letí.

Time flies.

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